jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

Activity 1: Physical descriptions (Using Avatarmaker)

- Level: Beginners.
- Skills: Writing.
- Grammar focus: be , have/has got.
- Vocabulary related to the topic: family members, parts of the body, clothes,
emotions, etc.

Ss will create a "cartoon" of two members of their family. Once the characters are created, the Ss will copy and paste them into a word document and write sentences that describe their physical appearance and emotions.
How to use the website:

1. Click on: http://avatarmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml:

2.      Select the background you like most and start creating your avatar: choose the hairstyle,  facial expression, clothes, accessories, etc.

3.      Once you are happy with your avatar, click on the download button and save it. 

To see a sample,  click here

- Evaluation: Ss will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Very Good
Mastery of the tool




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